Hospice Savannah’s Edel Caregiver Institute is honored in the Supporting Care Partners category. Maude’s Award was created to reward innovations that enrich the quality of life for persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias as well as their care partners.  The category Supporting Care Partners recognizes organizations that are “providing education, training or support for care partners of persons living with dementia”

Maude’s Awards was created in 2019 by Richard Ferry in honor of his beloved wife of 65 years, who was diagnosed in 2013 with dementia. Maude’s Awards are for achievement, as opposed to grants for future programs and are intended to reward programs, active prior to 2022, that have demonstrated success.


The mission of the Edel Caregiver Institute is to support you, the caregiver, as you support your loved one. No matter the diagnosis or stage of the diagnosis, we are here to offer help with finding resources and provide emotional support throughout your caregiving journey.

Our support groups and individual consultations are designed to assist with your unique caregiving needs and concerns. There is no charge to be a part of our open groups offering opportunities to share and be heard, as well as to listen and support.

Perhaps you are not comfortable sharing in a group? We also offer individual consultations at no charge. If you have a concern about your loved one, including dementia behaviors, are looking for assistance finding resources, or would just appreciate a private session with a caregiver consultant, no matter the diagnosis, we would be honored to walk with you through your caregiver journey.
Private individual consultations are available at both our office at 6000 Business Center Drive (off Chatham Pkwy) or the Hospice Savannah In-Patient Unit located at 1352 Eisenhower Drive in Savannah.

If you are a family caregiver in need of emotional support, assistance finding resources, or would like to learn more about the Edel Caregiver Institute, please reach out to the Edel Caregiver Institute at 912.629.1331 or email Info@EdelCaregiverInstitute.org

Who Are Caregivers?
Caregivers are friends, relatives, in-laws, and spouses – anyone who provides assistance to another, in whatever capacity and whatever their relationship, with no financial benefits.

What We Offer

Through our partnerships with the Steward Center for Palliative Care, United Way of the Coastal Empire, Rosalynn Carter Institute for Caregiving, Coastal Area Agency on AgingMercer University School of Medicine at Memorial Health, St. Joseph’s CandlerGeorgia Southern University, Senior Citizens, Inc., and many other local area service agencies, we offer standard-setting, innovative programs to help all non-professional caregivers learn how to best deal with impending or current caregiving challenges and needs. By providing tailored support we can help reduce your level of stress and help maintain the health and quality of life for both you and your care recipient. (Increasing evidence also shows that providing comprehensive support to family caregivers reduces stress induced diseases for caregivers.)

We can also provide:
• Resource information and referrals to community services.
• Caregiver follow-up support.
• Caregiver support groups and individual consultations.
• Extensive dementia education and support (including individual consultations with “Teepa Snow Positive Approach to Caregiving™” PAC Certified Independent Consultant and Trainer)
• Restorative yoga classes for caregivers
• Dementia Live™  dementia simulation experience.
• Project Sherpa (physician appointment navigation and patient advocacy).
• Palliative care education and referrals

If you are a non-professional caregiver in need of help, please fill out our caregiving questionnaire.
We will be in touch with you soon!

While there is no charge for our services, classes, or support groups, donations are gratefully accepted.
If you choose, please donate below.

The video below introduces you to some of our grateful clients and gives a quick overview of how we help:


Are you caring for a loved one with dementia, finding yourself blocked and frustrated because you don’t know what to do and how to do it when it comes to relating and communicating?
Do you
wonder why what you both want is not happening?

Learn to anticipate the struggles and how to be better prepared.
Recognize your loved one’s point of view,
understand where they are coming from, comprehend the grieving of loss that comes with dementia, and develop a better understanding of what is possible and what is not.

Jill Costello is a Certified Independent Dementia Consultant and a Certified Independent Dementia Trainer under Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Caregiving™ and is available for individual caregiver consultations at no financial cost to family caregivers..
CLICK HERE for more information..
Educational content provided by Positive Approach® is used with permission and based on the GEMS® and the techniques, strategies, and overall approach to care created and developed by Positive Approach, LLC. / www.teepasnow.com
In response to caregivers’ requests, we are continuing to offer an online option for both our general caregiver and dementia caregiver support groups.  Online groups must be pre-registered.
Please contact Jill Costello at 912.629.1331 or JCostello@HospiceSavannah.org with any questions or concerns.
SECOND WEDNESDAY monthly from 11:00am – noon

CLICK HERE to complete our registration consent form and receive meeting link.
Being a caregiver for a loved one with dementia presents its own unique set of circumstances.
The progressive, terminal effects of dementia pose the ongoing need for caregivers to educate themselves on changes occurring with their loved one.

The goal of the Edel Caregiver Institute is to develop a Community of Caregivers, a place for family caregivers like yourself to share information about caring for their loved one living with dementia.

Our Dementia Caregiver Support Group addresses emotional support along with:
• Dementia education
• How to “respond” instead of “react”
• Problem solving
• Asking questions and a place to process “why’s”
• Share and learn ideas on coping as a caregiver for someone living with dementia
• Fellowship with other caregivers sharing your concerns, struggles, and questions about caring for a loved one with dementia
Please note this group is for family caregivers of a loved one with dementia or memory issues only.



SECOND TUESDAY monthly from 11:00 – noon
CLICK HERE to complete our registration consent form and receive meeting link
Are you gradually feeling more alone — that those around you just don’t seem to get what you are going through? Our drop-in Caregiver Support Group meets monthly and provides a safe place to connect with other caregivers who truly understand. Learn and discover strength, emotional support, and a necessary sense of community with like-minded people.
This group is non-disease specific to encourage caregivers to focus on their own concerns and circumstances.
CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP at Hospice Savannah In-Patient Unit
SECOND WEDNESDAY monthly from 6:00 – 7:00pm
1352 Eisenhower Drive, Savannah 31406
Your loved one does not have to be under hospice care to attend this group.
Are you gradually feeling more alone — that those around you just don’t seem to get what you are going through? Our drop-in Caregiver Support Group meets monthly and provides a safe place to connect with other caregivers who truly understand. Learn and discover strength, emotional support, and a necessary sense of community with like-minded people. This group is non-disease specific to encourage caregivers to focus on their own concerns and circumstances.

For more information on how the Edel Caregiver Institute may assist you, please contact us at 912.629.1331.
The Edel Caregiver Institute is located in the Parkway Business Center off Chatham Parkway inside the Demere Center for Living, 6000 Business Center Drive, Savannah, GA 31405  (click for map)

Teepa Snow PAC® Certified Independent Dementia Consultant and PAC® Certified Independent Dementia Trainer
Certified “Dementia Live®” Coach   Certified Dementia Caregiver Coach and “Dealing with Dementia” Trainer   Certified Support Group Facilitator

Jill Costello is certified to implement the teachings and trainings about dementia of Teepa Snow and the Positive Approach to Care® (PAC). While based on the educational content from Teepa, and inspired by my Certification, views or opinions expressed, and additional content offered here, are representative of Jill, independent of the PAC organization.

Hospice Savannah’s Edel Caregiver Institute proudly employs PAC Certified Independent Professionals who use approved methods and content from Teepa Snow and Positive Approach to Care®. While based on the educational content and methods from Teepa and a PAC Certification, the delivery, views, and opinions are representative of this organization alone.

Educational content provided by Positive Approach® is used with permission and based on the GEMS® and the techniques, strategies, and overall approach to care created and developed by Positive Approach, LLC. www.teepasnow.com

PAC Certified Independent Consultants are not employees of Positive Approach, LLC. The opinions and views expressed by PAC Certified Independent Consultants do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Positive Approach, LLC or any of its employees.  Positive Approach, LLC is not liable for any actions by PAC Certified Independent Consultants.