Dementia Caregiver Support Group – Being a caregiver for a loved one with dementia presents its own unique set of circumstances.

The progressive, terminal effects of dementia pose the ongoing need for caregivers to educate themselves on changes occurring with their loved one.

The goal of the Edel Caregiver Institute is to develop a Community of Caregivers, a place for family caregivers like yourself to share information about caring for their loved one struggling with dementia.

Our Dementia Caregiver Support Group addresses emotional support along with:
• Dementia education
• How to “respond” instead of “react”
• Problem solving
• Asking questions and a place to process “why’s”
• Share and learn ideas on coping as a caregiver for someone living with dementia
• Fellowship with other caregivers sharing your concerns, struggles, and questions about caring for a loved one living with dementia
Please note this group is for family caregivers of a loved one with dementia or memory issues only.  (Go to calendar)

Individual Dementia Caregiver Consultations
Are you caring for a loved one living with dementia, finding yourself blocked and frustrated because you don’t know what to do and how to do it when it comes to relating and communicating?
Do you wonder why what you both want is not happening?
Learn to anticipate the struggles and how to be better prepared.
Recognize your loved one’s point of view, understand where they are coming from, comprehend the grieving of loss that comes with dementia, and develop a better understanding of what is possible and what is not.
Jill Costello is a Certified Independent Dementia Consultant and Certified Independent Dementia Trainer under Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Caregiving™ and is available for individual caregiver consultations at no financial cost to you.
CLICK HERE to request an individual caregiver consultation.
Educational content provided by Positive Approach® is used with permission and based on the GEMS® and the techniques, strategies, and overall approach to care created and developed by Positive Approach, LLC. /
Caregiver Fellowship Support Group
Are you gradually feeling more alone — that those around you just don’t seem to get what you are going through? Our drop-in Caregiver Support Group meets twice a month and provides a safe place to connect with other caregivers who truly understand. Learn and discover strength, emotional support, and a necessary sense of community with like-minded people. This group is non-disease specific to encourage caregivers to focus on their own concerns and circumstances. Visit our calendar for information on a caregiver support group near you.  (Go to calendar)



While there is no charge for our classes, support groups, or services, we do ask for and accept donations.
Please register in advance by calling 912.629.1331. Thank you.