Building Relationships and Skills in Dementia Care

“Dementia does not rob people of their dignity; it is our reaction to them that does.” … Teepa Snow

Are you caring for a loved one living with dementia? How much better could life be for  both of you if you had the tools to address brain change?

Being a caregiver for a loved one with dementia presents its own unique set of circumstances requiring a special set of skills. The progressive, terminal effects of dementia pose the ongoing need for caregivers to educate themselves on changes occurring with their loved one.

We offer caregiver support groups and are available for individual consultations at no financial cost to family caregivers.

Second Wednesday of the month
11:00 am – 12:30 pm

CLICK HERE to complete our registration consent form and receive meeting link.

PLEASE NOTE:  New attendees must register at least 24 hours in advance.  This group is for family caregivers of a loved one with dementia or memory issues only.

Our Dementia Caregiver Support Group addresses emotional support along with:

• Dementia education
• How to “respond” instead of “react”
• Problem solving
• Asking questions and a place to process “why’s”
• Share and learn ideas on coping as a caregiver for someone living with dementia
• Fellowship with other caregivers sharing your concerns, struggles, and questions about caring for a loved one with dementia.

CLICK HERE for our Caregiver Calendar and information on our other monthly caregiver support groups including dates and times.

Individual Caregiver Consultations Available

  • Are you finding yourself blocked and frustrated because you don’t know what to do and how to do it when it comes to relating and communicating?
  • Do you wonder why what you both want is not happening?
  • Would you like to learn to anticipate the struggles and how to be better prepared?
  • Would it help to recognize your loved one’s point of view and understand where they are coming from?
  • Do you struggle to comprehend the grieving of loss that comes with dementia, and develop a better understanding of what is possible and what is not?

To help answer these questions, ECI offers private consultations with Jill Costello, a Certified Independent Dementia Consultant and Trainer under Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Caregiving™.

Caregiver consultations are available at no financial cost to family caregivers and open to individuals or families.

CLICK HERE to request an individual caregiver consultation.

As a MUSIC & MEMORY® Certified Organization, we are proud to offer the powerful benefits of personalized music as part of our continuing effort to provide the highest quality care.




Grounded in extensive research, Music & Memory® helps people living with a wide range of cognitive and physical challenges find renewed joy in life through musical favorites.
Our team is trained to develop personalized playlists delivered through streaming music services as a key element in the individual’s plan of care.


  • Beloved music helps to reduce depression and anxiety and help moderate pain.
  • Musical favorites tap deep memories and may improve quality of life.
  • Participants are happier, more socialable and receptive to care and family visits.
  • Personalized music may help to reduce reliance on anti-psychotic, anti-depressant and pain medications.

Anyone can benefit from the power of listening to musical favorites and as we build our program, we will be able to offer it to all who are interested.
Music is often effective for a variety of impairments and disorders including:

  • People living with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia.
  • Individuals who are bed-bound, on dialysis or ventilators.
  • People living with chronic pain.
  • Those receiving hospice care under Hospice Savannah.

If you are a family caregiver for a loved one with dementia and would like more information about the Music and Memory program, please CLICK HERE.

As a Certified Facilitator of Dementia Live™, The Edel Caregiver Institute offers a unique opportunity for family and professional caregivers to briefly, yet movingly, experience the challenges and struggles of a person living with dementia.

Dementia Live® is an innovative program designed by a team of dementia, sensitivity and awareness, and professional development experts from the nationally recognized AGE-u-cate® Training Institute.

Using specialized gear within a safe, experiential setting, Dementia Live® provides and gives participants a real-life simulation of what it must be like to live with dementia. Participants gain a greater awareness and understanding of the constant struggles (24/7) affecting persons with dementia. Greater understanding leads to more sensitive care partnering.

If you are a family caregiver for a loved one living with dementia and would like to learn more about the Dementia Live® experience including a follow-up discussion with a certified Dementia Live® coach, please CLICK HERE.

Jill Costello is certified to implement the teachings and training about dementia through Teepa Snow’s Positive Approach to Care® (PAC). While based on the educational content from Teepa, and inspired by PAC Certification,  the views, opinions, delivery, and additional content offered here, are representative of Jill and her experiences with dementia caregivers, as well as Hospice Savannah’s Edel Caregiver Institute, and therefore independent of the PAC organization.
Educational content created, developed, and provided by Positive Approach to Care®,  including but not limited to, the GEMS® concept, techniques, strategies, and overall approach to care, is used with permission.  PAC Certified Independent Consultants are not employees of Positive Approach, LLC, and the opinions and views expressed by PAC Certified Independent Consultants do not necessarily reflect the opinions and views of Positive Approach, LLC or any of its employees.  Positive Approach, LLC is not liable for any actions by PAC Certified Independent Consultants.